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​Uninvolved parents simply do not care about what their children do or how they perform. This is where children feel the lack of love and alone.

With authoritarian parenting, the parents constantly push the child and if he or she does not perform to the standards of the parents, the child is punished. If the child does something wrong, the parents just jump to a conclusion that the child must be punished without allowing explanation. This was seen in the book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, by Amy Chua. Mrs. Chua describes her way of parenting. She was definitely an authoritarian parent, setting various rules and high expectations for her daughters. The pressure enforced by the parents sometimes causes great stress among the children and they may struggle socially.

​One thing children of uninvolved or authoritarian parents do not fully receive is love. As a result of being exposed to authoritative parenting, the children usually do not struggle socially, perform rather well in school, and do not have any behavior issues.

​In my opinion, authoritative parenting is the best way to raise a child. Authoritative parenting is very similar to authoritarian parenting in respects of having various rules set; however, there is some sense of leniency when these rules are broken. It is the best way to show children that the parents do care about them and also love them at the same time allowing them to express their thoughts behind certain actions. Even though the children are dealt consequences, love is still present.

​Authoritative parenting is more effective than authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. My parents use more of an authoritative parenting style in my household. I definitely believe this is the best way to raise a child. As a son of authoritative parents, I must admit I am a well disciplined individual that knows what he wants to do in life and does not struggle socially. My parents did a great job raising me. Even though there are consequences for my wrong-doings, I know my parents will be there to support me and to help correct the mistakes I have made. Knowing that they do not expect me to be a perfect child is definitely special.

With permissive parenting, however, the children do feel the connection and love established between them and their parents. However, they are also at high risk of not performing well in school. Permissive parents are similar to uninvolved parents in the respect of allowing their children to fight their own battles. These parents only seem to be involved with their children when there is a social or behavioral problem. They usually do not step in when it comes to helping their children with homework and academics.

Move 2: Which is the Best Style of Parenting?

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